Asian art

Haynault organises two to three specialist Asian art auctions a year, in collaboration with Cabinet Portier (Paris), which describes all the Chinese and Japanese lots presented in our specialist auctions. Alice Jossaume, a well-known expert in these specialities, visits us to describe and value the items we have selected for auction.
A collector of Asian art, Rodolphe de Maleingreau d'Hembise will be delighted to advise you and look forward to showcasing your Far Eastern objects and paintings.

With more than 20 years in the collections field, Rodolphe de Maleingreau d'Hembise is the founder and Auctioneer of the Haynault auction house.
He specializes in Asian art, historical and travel souvenirs and philately and is at your disposal to assess the lots you wish to sell.
Rodolphe is a Certified Diamond Grader (HRD Antwerp)